I wanted to begin with a small update on where I currently am! From our last conversation, I had shared with you guys that my study abroad program had ended on December 5th, and that I would be traveling for 10 days before going home to see my family. During those ten days, I would be visiting Budapest in Hungary, London in England, Amsterdam in the Netherlands and Prague in the Czech Republic.
As I am finishing my traveling and preparing to go home and see my family (so excited to see them), I am reflecting and thinking back on how this semester has gone. There were many ups and downs, including homesickness, troubles getting used to my new home, and missing my friends and family. However, I am also happy to have gotten to travel and meet so many awesome friends in the program. I am so fortunate, too, because this entire experience would not have been possible without my scholarship. I feel like I have gotten to learn about subjects that I am passionate about, but also grow as a person too. For example, I feel like I became more independent and confident. I am not afraid to get lost and take on the world by myself.
Most importantly, I am most grateful to have met all of you. You are the best part of this entire semester!