The municipality (the government of the city and its surrounding areas) of Rome offers a special card called the Museii in Comune Roma (or MIC) card. It costs five euro (about six U.S. dollars) and gives free entrance to museums and archeological sites that are managed by the Roman city government. Roman residents and students who attend public universities in Rome can purchase the MIC card. Because I was enrolled in a course at Roma Tre, one of the three public universities of Rome, I was able to purchase a MIC card.
The MIC card makes learning in Rome much more accessible. Rome is filled with amazing museums and archeological sites, but not all of them are affordable. I have been very lucky that I am able to afford entrance to every museum I've wanted to go to, but not everyone can afford to regularly spend 10 to 15 euros on museums tickets. This is especially true of residents of Rome who do not have jobs, like many students.
I think all communities should provide their residents with opportunities to learn and enrich their lives. However, this need might be more prominent in Rome because it has an abundance of museums and archeological sites.