Our News

What activity was the most fun this week?:

While I was in Dinant, I got on a cable car that took me all the way to the Citadel of Dinant, an old fortress. While I was on the cable car, I was able to see a beautiful view of the entire city. The cable car ride only lasted a few minutes. I'm afraid of heights, so I was a bit nervous, but I enjoyed it.

What did I read this week?:

This week I read the notes from all of my classes since I had to study for my midterms. I reveiwed all of my notes as well as the PowerPoint slides that my professors created. I only have three classes, but I studied a lot of information this week!

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I didn't play any games or sports this week, but I did a lot of walking around. I enjoyed walking through the city and exploring new streets.

Other news from this week:

I applied to be a "major representative" at my school and was accepted. As a major representative, I am responsible for making sure that students feel appreciated and safe and are happy at the college. If a student has a concern, they are able to talk to me and my team about it and we will help come up with a solution. We meet every two weeks on Thursday, and there are about 10 major representatives. Since I am studying abroad, I represent the students that are also studying abroad. This is the first time the college has had a study abroad representative.
