I had a tough time integrating into university life when I first got to Korea. It was hard taking classes online and being on campus during a break. However, there were events held through the university that helped me integrate myself into the community. One of these events was a tour held in person around the university's beautiful campus. Yonsei is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in South Korea. The campus reflects its age and history. The tour was organized to give the study abroad students an opportunity to learn more about the campus while meeting new people. During the two hour long tour, I learned so much about Yonsei, about its founder, Doctor Horace Grant Underwood, about the newly built Samsung library, and more. While I was on the tour, I was able to meet some new friends as well. These friends were from all over the world, including some from South Korea. This special event helped me feel more comfortable in my environment, so that I didn't feel like I was there at such an off time. It enabled me to take full advantage of my short time at Yonsei.