My Host Sister

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

I study English, Italian, diritto (government, civics, law), human sciences (pedagogy, psychology, sociology), epoche (epics, like The Odyssey or The Illiad), geohistory (geography and history) and math. My favorite is human sciences. In Italy, high schools are split up by subject specialties. There are high schools for classics, math and science, human sciences, languages, art and sports. All students have to learn some of the same subjects, like math and Italian. But each type of high school offers its own special types of classes. For example, my mom went to a classics high school and only classics high schools offer Latin and Ancient Greek language classes.

What is your homework like?:

I mostly read for my homework and answer questions after I read. Every once in a while, I have to do a presentation for class. I've never had to write an essay for homework before!

What do you like to do after school? Do you have a favorite sport or game?:

I am part of a group called Scouts. It's like Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts in the United States, but for everyone. I go to Scouts twice a week after school. At Scouts, we go camping, do volunteer work, learn how to tie knots, make furniture, talk about the news and watch and make movies. We do a lot and it's really fun. 

I went to a Scouts event put on by my host sister's Scouts group. They made a short film and organized a panel about Romani people in Rome. Romani people are an ethnic group that live all over Europe.
