Do Svidanya! (Good Bye!)

I have studied Russian, Russia and Russian culture for over 10 years now and still learn something new every day. In the best way possible, I am constantly reminded how little I know and how much I have to learn. 

Perhaps the most important reminder that I have found on this trip is the importance of relationships, no matter how small. The smallest kindness from a stranger means even more than it would in the U.S. because I am in a new and unfamiliar place. When I bought a Christmas tree, the woman who wrapped it up for me made sure that I had a handle made out of tape so I could carry the tree home. I was so moved that I almost cried. That moment is one that I will never forget. Being in a foreign country has forced me to live in the moment, and therefore reminded me to see these seemingly small interactions as valuable.

I would like to thank you all for coming on this journey with me. I have really loved getting to think about and share my experiences, and I could not have done it without you. Thank you for your wonderful questions and your curiosity about the world! Vsevo dobrovo! (Everything good to you!)
