What's Daily Life Like in Colombia?

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

My first language is Spanish, but I am also fluent in English and know a bit of Chinese. I say “Hola” to say hi in my language. For more formal occasions or to be polite, however, we often say "Buenos días" (Good morning), "Buenas tardes" (Good afternoon) or "Buenasnoches" (Good evening).

Do you have pets?:

I have two adorable dogs named Justin and Laika. Laika is named after the first dog to orbit the Earth! I miss my pets a lot while I am living in Medellín for college.

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

I have traveled more than most Colombians my age. In Colombia, my favorite place that I have visited is Cartagena because it's on the coast, and I love the sea and the beaches. Beyond Colombia, I have traveled to Chile, the U.S. and China. I went to the U.S. when I was eight years old with my family, and we visited Washington, D.C., New York City, Virginia and Kentucky. We have also traveled as a family to Florida and Walt Disney World. Last year, I spent seven months studying Chinese at a university in Hangzhou, China because I was considering doing my all of my university studies there. During my time in China, I also had the opportunity to see the big cities of Beijing and Shanghai, as well as the Great Wall of China.

What do you do for work?:

Right now, I don't work because I am a college student. I study psychology at María Cano University, and hope to be a criminal psychologist someday
