At the moment, we are in the rainy season. In Namibia, it only rains during the summer months, from October to April. All the rain is captured in waterholes, dams and underground streams, which lasts the whole year and provides nourishment for everything, including plants, animals and, of course, people.
While traveling around the center during the day. I saw lots of birds, including ostrich and antelope species, including Oryx, Kudu, Springbok and Red Hartebeast. As the sun started to set, we saw some jackals, three warthogs, and, of course, some rescued cheetahs!
Seeing a Black Mamba catching its prey was very unusual to see and quite scary. The Black Mamba is one of the world's most venomous snakes and is very dangerous if you stumble across one. These snakes can be found throughout Southern Africa.