I think that most animals should be in their natural habitat unless they need extra help to survive. I would like to visit a panda reservation because I think those enclosures (places where animals can live with human protection) are more representative of the panda’s natural environment. Pandas need resources such as water, bamboo and the dense, mountainous forests where they can hide.
Most pandas do live in the wild, but there are hundreds in captivity. Often, the places that hold pandas in captivity help to breed them so that their small population can be sustained and people can enjoy seeing pandas for years to come. A recent study found about 1,864 giant pandas alive in the wild, which is an encouraging number. Their natural environment comprises of thick bamboo forests. They make nests and mostly live apart from each other.
Giant pandas live in bamboo forests because they mostly eat bamboo plants. Imagine living surrounded by all the food you like! No wonder they are so chubby! They use their long claws to climb with and their sharp teeth to eat. Their fur and skin help a lot with survival because it protects them from the rain and cold temperatures. They use the forest around then to hide from predators because their black and white colors make them hard to detect.