I was able to attend the Ngente for one of my coworkers son's when he was born. This was my first experience at a religious event in Senegal and it was very interesting! I loved watching this tradition and seeing the naming ceremony.
I learned about and attended an Ngente. An Ngente is a baby naming ceremony where family and friends gather at the family's home about 1 week after the baby is born. They celebrate the new child and the elders, religious leaders of the community and parents will help to choose a name for the child. Sometimes they will shave the baby's hair before the naming, but not everyone does this. People will bring gifts and everyone celebrates with music and a meal.
An Ngente is a religious and cultural tradition that helps to create bonds between the generations. This tradition comes from the Islamic faith and includes prayers and blessings for both the child and family. In Senegal, you do not talk about people when they are pregnant. You do not congratulate them or ask when they are having the baby. This is because they see it as bad luck to wish congratulations before the baby is born. The Ngente allows people to come together to finally congratulate the family and bring gifts.