While on the hike to the top of the Papallacta mountains, we saw many plants and animals. We saw some colorful plants and flowers, like the burundanga. My peers and I also saw cows, alpacas, sheep, and many different types of birds. We were so shocked that a very popular plant that is used as medicine grows in Papallacta!
Burundanga is a plant that can be used as medicine to treat motion sickness. The plant can be different shades of red, orange, yellow, or white. Sometimes burundanga has two or three different colors while it is it still growing. The plant itself looks like a long, thin bell that is closed tight on the bottom. The top of the plant has a green or purple-looking leaf that covers the root of the plant. When the plant blooms, the leaves open up and the burundanga looks like an open, long skinny bell. Surrounding the plant itself are tons of green leaves that make up a tree of these burundanga.
I thought the plant was very pretty, but then the tour guide told me that this plant can also be dangerous to touch. Then I got nervous and watched where I was walking!