Well, here we are.
It is finals week for me and my study abroad program is coming to a close. I can hardly believe it. This is my last full week in Bengaluru. Where has the time gone? It feels so unreal to me.
On one hand, I am excited to return to my home in Arizona, just in time to spend Christmas with my family! On the other hand, there are so many people and experiences that I am going to miss here in India.
The crazy thing about living in another place for a few months is that it becomes your second home. India has made me feel at home in many ways, especially my professors and my program director at Christ University, who I am going to miss dearly. Also, my study abroad cohort. Earlier toay, some of them performed a dance that they have been practicing in their Bollywood class all semester. Watching it made me realize that this is really the end of the semester: https://youtu.be/TH307eMM4k8
As I reflect on my time here, I am struck by an overwhelming sense that India is a country which is changing rapidly. The chaotic city scenes of Bengaluru contrast heavily with life in villages just beyond the edges of the city.