Susan has lived in Oxford her entire life and now attends New College, one of the colleges with the University of Oxford, for her undergraduate degree. She is an English major who wants to continue to work with antique texts in museums when she graduates.
Ever since she was a kid, Susan has eaten small breakfasts before going out for a run in the morning. Whether it's a scone or a little bit of oatmeal in the morning, she always tries to eat something. For lunch, she will usually have a cold sandwich since she's usually at the library during lunchtime. Dinner is her biggest meal of the day where she will have anything from meat, potatoes and veggies, to eating out with friends. Her favorite type of food when she's out is Chinese!
Susan lives "in college" as they call it in Oxford which means she lives in the dorms of New College.
Susan is responsible for keeping her room clean while she's at school and when she was growing up, she was responsible for the dishes, taking out the trash and keeping her room clean.