Amelia is my roommate here at Oxford. Here, she studies Women and Gender Studies as well as Philosophy. We live in a neighborhood called Jericho that is largely student based in nature. In our neighborhood, we have many little coffee shops and grocery stores that are locally owned and have some of the best produce around!
My name is Amelia Berg.
We live in a flat (a flat is another word for an apartment). We have two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, and a kitchen, bathroom, living room and one more bedroom downstairs. Amelia lives downstairs and our other roommate and I live upstairs. Our house is the perfect size for us and has just enough space for us to be together and work separately when needed.
Amelia has two older sisters and a younger brother. Her parents have actually recently moved to the United States and live in Colorado with her younger brother. Amelia still studies here in Oxford, though. Amelia's whole family travels often between studying abroad and backpacking trips. It's very common for students in the U.K. to take a year off between finishing high school and starting university so that they can travel and discover more about themselves.