Getting around Barcelona is similar to getting around in a bustling city like New York City, although it is not as busy here as it is in NYC! Owning a car is rare in Barcelona; it is, though, very common for people to use public transportation. Public transportation is the cheapest way of getting around. You can buy one card and it gives you free passage on various forms of transport for as many days as you want. I will explain more about the different types of public transportation in Barcelona and my preferred method of travel throughout this article.
Most people in Barcelona use the metro station, taxis and buses to get around. Others use cars and motorcycles, but these forms of transportation are not as common. My host mom prefers the metro at night because there is more light there than on the streets. Other people say that the metro is the most dangerous place to be at night, mostly because of pickpockets. I also prefer the metro in the afternoon and at night. In the mornings, I like to walk. It all depends on personal preference and the distance needed to travel.