Chinese food in America has some similarities but many differences to Chinese food in China. In China, there is a huge variety in the flavors, spices and types of food used in the cuisine. China is a huge country with a very old culture and history, so it makes sense that there are so many types of food!
I tried rice noodle soup. The dish had rice noodles, bok choy, cilantro, red pepper and peanuts all in a warm, delicious broth.
I was excited because I was very hungry and a little cold. I knew the soup would warm me up and fill my belly to give me energy for the rest of the day!
It's a pretty simple dish. The noodles are cooked and the broth is prepared, then the noodles are added to the broth with the cilantro, bok choy, red pepper and peanuts.
Shenyang is very cold in the winter, and I think this soup helps people stay warm! Also, all of the ingredients that go into the soup are grown in China.