Ukrainian Orthodox Christmas is January 7. I celebrated it by going to a local restaurant with my Ukrainian friends Yulia, Toma and Vlada. We also had a traditional dinner at home. It was great!

Hi! My name is Tori and I am an English teacher in Radomyshl, Ukraine! I've been here for a while and I can't wait to share my stories and Ukrainian culture with you. Let's go!
Ukrainian Orthodox Christmas is January 7. I celebrated it by going to a local restaurant with my Ukrainian friends Yulia, Toma and Vlada. We also had a traditional dinner at home. It was great!
I don't want to say goodbye! Living in Ukraine has given me so many memories I wanted to share. I hope you have learned a few new cool things and think about visiting beautiful Ukraine one day!
Ukraine is a very resilient country. The people living here have not had such an easy life. But they use their land to grow food and have adapted very well.
Here are some of my favorite photos taken in the capital, Kyiv. Kyiv is a cool city because there are a lot of bright-colored buildings and churches. I only live an hour away so I love to visit!