Zagreb is a city of nearly one million people. It is the largest city in Croatia and also fittingly has the greatest number of transportation options available. Although for many people the mode of transportation that springs to mind first is the car, because Zagreb is a dense city that is nearly 1,000 years old, there are often more convenient ways of getting around.
The road network provides the primary means of transportation in Zagreb. Many roads also have a tram line on each side of the road, and cars and trams sometimes share traffic, while in other areas, there are dedicated tram lines that don't intersect with the road system. This extensive tram and bus network covers all of Zagreb and even goes across the river Sava into Novi Zagreb (Novi means new). It is even possible to go up to the nearby mountain called Sljeme using a city bus. Busses and trams are run by the city and all use the same kind of tickets, which allow for a timed use of the transit system. Tickets can be purchased at many newsstands and kiosks around the city or in the bus/tram itself for a slightly higher price. The cheapest and most popular ticket is a 30-minute ticket which costs 4 kunas (about 80 cents) at a newsstand. Once you get on the bus or tram, you validate it in a little machine that stamps the time and date on the ticket.