The monster I mentioned before is not a real monster, thank goodness, although it is a very real and difficult problem that many people face around the world. The "monster" is the lack of public resources to help people impacted by homelessness. Not many see this monster, or choose to see it, because they are not impacted by the problem. However, I have seen this monster many times in my life. This issue is very near to my heart because I was once homeless as a kid. I hope you can become aware of this issue and have compassion for those harmed by it. This problem just needs a little tender love and care, and maybe you'll be able to help one day.
The community need I learned about was the lack of services for the homeless in London. When I walk to class, go for a run or travel around the city, I see homeless people everywhere. I see people sleeping on the sidewalk outside businesses or outside the Tube station, asking for money. These people are often described as people who "sleep rough" rather than as homeless people. This is because these people can often be seen sleeping in uncomfortable places on sidewalks, in the doorway of vacant buildings or right outside the Tube station.