Hello, my name is Houssaine, and I am 31 years old. I was born and raised in this small town and went to university in Fez. I studied English linguistics and now work as a guide for tourists who want to explore the mountains here.
My name is Elhoussaine Oihi. Usually, people just call me Houssaine.
I live in the town center now, but I was born in a family douar, which is a group of houses thar one extended family shares. Our douar is just outside of town, so I still visit there often. My house is a one-story cement building with three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.
I have a very big family, I am the youngest of nine brothers and sisters, and I am related to almost everyone in town because I have so many cousins. My siblings and I are all very close, especially the sisters who are closest to me in age. Most of my siblings have moved to different citites for work, but they visit home often.