In the US I have rarely kept up or appreciated nature the way I have in Costa Rica. This place and the people have made me have a newfound appreciation for not only the environment but also the animals, no matter how big or small. I've realized that there is a way we can all live in harmony, which the Costa Rican culture has mastered. They give nature and animals their boundaries and encourage tourists to do the same.
When I entered Costa Rica, sloths and images of them were posted all over, from posters to magnets to even t-shirts. I would say they are a core part of tourism in Costa Rica. The first time I saw a sloth in Costa Rica was on a guided tour at the Universidad de Costa Rica where they were just located in the trees outside of the school right above the tables where people study. The second location I saw sloths was in Limon (the east coast of Costa Rica) in the trees where people would pay a couple of colones to others on the street to point these sloths out. In total I believe I've seen sloths about 15 times in my travel journey so far and each time is just as amazing as the first!