The public transport system here is called Renfe Cercanias, and it is very advanced. Almost everyone rides the metro and Renfe train to get to their destination.
Buenas! Hello! My name is Jocelynn, and I'm currently living in Madrid, Spain. As I discover more about this amazing country and culture, I will take you along with me. Vamos! Let's go!
The public transport system here is called Renfe Cercanias, and it is very advanced. Almost everyone rides the metro and Renfe train to get to their destination.
I had the wonderful chance to meet some long lost family members that live in Granada, Spain this past week, and my friend Kasia went to Seville and shared some beautiful pictures of her trip!
Andres is fourteen years old and goes by the nickname " Toti". He lives in Granada, Spain with his mother and older brother. They own three cats and a dog named Bimba!
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