30 Things You Wouldn't Expect

Bogotá, Colombia
4.710988600000, -74.072092000000
Journal Entry:

This week's article is a list of 30 things that were kind of culture shocks to me when I first got to Colombia, accompanied by a brief elaboration on each! The images on each page sometimes coincide with the content, while others are just some cool things I wanted to share with you. Please enjoy the cultural differences and my thoughts on them. I can't wait to hear which ones stand out to you the most!

1. There are no public water fountains. All over the U.S., you can find public water fountains and, more recently, the ones with special bottle-filling stations, too. I love those! They even have them at McCutcheon. But here, there are hardly any public water fountains anywhere, which was most surprising to me because Colombia is usually very concerned about the environment, and refilling stations promote using personal water bottles and less plastic. Here, you might be lucky to find a water fountain at the airport or in your gym, but it is not likely anywhere else.

2. There are very few public trash cans, and those that do exist are usually dented or broken from having been hit by cars. This was surprising for the same environmental reason as the water fountains. I've gotten used to just keeping my trash in my pocket or bag until I get home.
