Not a Goodbye, But a See You Later!

I quickly realized that if I wasn't careful and continued to feed my negative comments and habits, I was going to spiral and possibly end up causing more bad than good, including developing an eating disorder. I continue to count calories but have increased them because I was eating too little. It is impossible for me not to eat sweets, so I eat them in moderation, and I allow myself to have cheat days when I am out with family or friends, because the memories I make with them are more important than the number of calories I eat. I might not be completely where I want to be, but I'm not where I was at the beginning of my journey and that's the importance of realizing that it's about focusing on the next step and not on the end goal. 

There is so much more I could share, but I'll leave you with some of the phrases that I have used to get me through this year. Rejection is redirection. Do it scared. I did my best today. Keep showing up. You may not see the progress, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. I'm proud of you!!

Please don't be strangers and don't hesitate to reach out. My Instagram is "lucy_aguileraa" and Ms. Mikulkic has my email if you would prefer that method of communication. 

À bien-tôt!
