I cannot believe my adventure cycling across Africa has come to an end. I have only been on the road here two weeks, but two weeks of cycling eight hours a day in the middle of the Kalahari Desert makes time feel like it’s standing still. Eating, sleeping and showering under the stars, seeing wildlife and achieving goals I didn’t believe I could (like biking 1,000 miles!)-- it has been an adventure of a lifetime. I have seen more elephants than I can count, as well as plenty of warthogs and antelopes, too. I never knew how many antelope lived in Botswana before I visited!
The real expedition started long before I got to Zambia. An expedition starts when you really commit to the adventure. Eight months ago I bought my bike and rode 10 miles near my home. I was so scared! For me, that was the hardest step of all.
I am sad that I will be living indoors again, sleeping in a bed and under a roof. Although, I am excited for hot showers again! After living life by the rising and setting sun, feeling so connected to the weather and my body, I have found a wonderful wildness in myself that I don’t want to ever lose. I feel free and strong, sure of myself.
It has been challenging. With sunburns, blisters on my feet and my bum… some of this trip wasn’t fun.