Our News

We have been driving ATVs to go through the beach and sandy or muddy terrains. We even sampled from a small inflatable boat!

What did I read this week?:

This week, I have been reading some scientific articles that describe permafrost properties and the microbes that are in it. Additionally, I have been reading information about the culture and traditions of the Utqiaġvik region.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

This week I haven’t played any games or sports. It’s been a very successful week in terms of work, but days have been long and tiring. Every time my teammates and I get back from our sampling expedition, we are all extremely tired. We do a lot of walking, standing, lifting weight and squatting during our fieldwork, so I am considering it my current outdoor gym!

Other news from this week:

A local from Utqiaġvik invited us to go with him when he was catching fish from his fishing net. He gave us some pink salmon. The locals are very friendly and kind to us.
