Everybody speaks Spanish, and we've started taking lessons. We need to practice, but we're getting better!
Everybody accepts the U.S. dollar, but technically the main currency is the colón, which is named after Christopher Colombus. If you pay for something in U.S. dollars, they'll probably give you colónes back. One dollar is equal to about 600 colónes.
Costa Rica can be surprisingly expensive! A meal can be anywhere from $15-20 per person. But luckily we don't have to buy water. There are big cisterns in town that you can use to fill up the big fresh water jugs that everybody keeps in their houses.
There is a little restaurant in our town called Los Almendros that does wonderful fried fish. And we've been making a lot of pineapple fried rice. Pineapple is the biggest export from Costa Rica, but they keep all the best tasting ones for themselves.
I got nostalgic and listend to the soundtrack of an old show called "The O.C." I watched this show a lot when I was younger, and the music from the show inspired many of my music tastes.