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Later in the week, I ordered an encebollado to go from a local hueca or small restaurant. Encebollado is the fish stew that is really popular in Ecuador. Once in a while I crave it. so I got some for lunch this week. It never disappoints.

What music did I listen to this week?:

I listened to a variety of different types of music this week. The music I choose listen to depends on my mood. I have been listening to Taylor Swift's new album and some of the songs are lovely. I wouldn't consider myself a Swiftie, but she is musically talented.

What activity was the most fun this week?:

One super fun activity this week was the trivia game night. It's always a blast to see all the familiar faces of the people and now friends who come to trivia. The game normally lasts twenty to thirty minutes, but we hang out before and after to chat and share what has been going on in our lives. It's a great group of people to see every week.

What did I read this week?:

I try to read or listen to the news every morning, so I read some news updates this week. I've been simultaneously reading two books for the past weeks. I'm enjoying both and I can't seem to just choose one to read at the moment. I think that as long as you're reading, that's all that matters. Food for the brain!

What games or sports did I play this week?:

The only game I played this week was trivia, and I didn't really play it because I was the host. I had all the answers to the questions! Still, it was fun to watch everyone else play and be a part of it in some way.

Other news from this week:

More news coming soon!
