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I also recently listened to the French song Grandir by Black M and the Spanish song Vine a Buscarte by Fonseca.

What activity was the most fun this week?:

I think biking to the Parc des Gayeulles when it was sunny out was one of my favorite moments from this week. I find it quite relaxing to read out in the sun surrounded by nature.

What did I read this week?:

I’ve been reading two books: Una historia minima de Venezuela and La structure des révolutions scientifiques. The former is a short history book in Spanish about Venezuela while the latter is a French translation of the original “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” by Thomas Kuhn. The latter is the book we’re following in my class on the epistemology of science this semester.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I played the latest Mario Party “Super Mario Party Jamboree” on the Switch with my siblings over the weekend. Sundays are normally the day we gather to catch up and play games together.

Other news from this week:

The French prime minister François Bayrou, recently selected by the president Emmanuel Macron, is seeking an agreement on the retirement reforms by the end of May. Reforms were originally introduced in 2023 and caused widespread protests during my first trip to Rennes.
