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What main languages are spoken here?:

In Spain, Spanish is the most common language. This is the same for Vigo. However, Galician is another language spoken here. About 58% of the population speaks Gallego (Galician). I had my first encounter with a native that spoke Galician on the bus. It was an older woman, and she had stumbled when she boarded the bus. She turned to me and said something while she was laughing. Although Galician is a mixture of Portuguese and Spanish, I did not understand what she said. I am sure she said something very witty because she was embarrassed.

What type of money is used here?:

The euro is the most common currency in the European Union. To put it in perspective, the cost of one euro is about 1.14 U.S. dollars. The value of the dollar and euro fluctuate so this is not something that is permanent. 

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

In Statesboro, Georgia, the cost of a chilled water bottle at a grocery store is about $1.50. It is only 0.35 euro in a grocery store here in Vigo. While it might seem as significantly cheaper, ordering water at a restaurant or café in Vigo costs about 1.20 euro. I am used to ordering water for free when I dine out in the U.S. 
