Paella: Valencia’s Famous Traditional Dish!

Yet, driven by the desire to immerse myself in the Spanish culture, I tried the rice with the seafood without overthinking what I was eating. And oh my gosh, it was AMAZING! The mussels' goodness and the shrimps' juiciness — all harmonized with the rice, tomato sauce, saffron and a hint of lemon to create a symphony of flavors — was life-changing. This dish truly made me feel like I was settling in Spain and becoming accustomed to the Spanish culture.

How is the food prepared?:

Cooked in a wide, shallow pan called paella (wide, shallow pan), this one-pot dish is very traditional and has ancient roots. The name of the pan used to make the famous dish is called paella, hence where the cooked paella dish gets its name. The traditional paella valenciana contains round-grain rice, tender rabbit, chicken and a generous amount of olive oil and chicken broth. As for the seafood variation I tried, it swaps out the meat for seafood. I’ve only tried paella de marisco because I didn’t feel too comfortable eating rabbit, and seafood is easier for me to wrap my mind around eating. Due to living around the Mediterranean Sea, Spaniards are accustomed to eating tons of seafood daily, like squid, octopus, calamari, etc.

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

Absolutely! The roots of paella are deeply intertwined with the local landscape and its people. Originating as a humble meal for farmers and laborers, paella celebrates the plentiful Valencian fields and coasts. Every ingredient, from fresh tomatoes and greens to savory rabbit meat, reflects the rich diversity of the region's agricultural origin. 
