It has been very warm lately. Russia can't seem to make up its mind as to whether or not it's fall or winter yet! One day it will be near freezing, and then the next it's 60 degrees outside. One thing is for sure, though, it is a lot cloudier than I am used to. Even on the days where I see the sun, it gets cloudy by the end of the day. I did go to Tula recently, though unfortunately it was only a day trip and it rained all day, so I could not fly my drone. Don't worry, though, I have a surprise for you next week!
I went to a park and saw plenty of ducks, but what was most interesting to me was they had squirrels in a cage. This is because they aren't normally in Moscow, so a lot of kids don't even know what squirrels look like! That's so strange to me because they are absolutely everywhere where I live back in Arkansas. I also ran into a group that takes in stray dogs, so I got to pet all of them! I was really happy because I am missing my dog, and there's nothing better than a dog's love.