What is your name? Jenna Saunders
What is your hometown? Lakeville, Minnesota
Where do you work? Honigman LLP, which is a large general service law firm
What is your job title? Associate Attorney
Have you always wanted to work as an intellectual property attorney? Can you tell us about your journey to this career path?
I had never imagined becoming an attorney when I was in grade school. I didn’t know a single attorney, and I had always seen myself becoming some type of scientist or engineer, so it was never on my radar as an option. I had always been interested in biology and medicine, so when I got to college, biomedical engineering seemed like the perfect position for me. This path led me to an engineering position at Boston Scientific, where I designed manufacturing processes for new medical devices that weren’t yet on the market. I quickly learned that although I loved learning about how medical devices and manufacturing processes work, I did not necessarily like being the person who made the devices and processes work.