Rebecca's Journey to South Korea

Current Location

Seoul, South Korea

Hi, my name is Rebecca, and this summer I'm studying abroad in amazing Seoul, South Korea! As I get out and explore this city and culture, I hope you'll join me. Let's go!


Life in South Korea can be very different from the United States, at times. Sometimes life feels the same. Join me in experiencing what one week in Seoul is like!


The last several weeks have been filled with joyous memories. It is a shame that I will have to leave this amazing country but I look forward to returning again soon. 

Field Notes

Talking with little Sumin was so fun. Learn about the life of a middle schooler in South Korea with me. 


The Changeokgung Palace is not as big as the Geongbukgung Palace. It was typically used for vacations and holidays! I attached a video I found as well as the pictures I was able to take while there.