My airport scarf— a lost scarf that I swiped off the floor of an airport’s baggage claim area— hugged my neck as I walked towards a large archway of twinkling lights. The archway holds up a sign that reads, “Frohe Weihnachten” or "Merry Christmas." Behind and past the archway is the Rathaus— Vienna’s city hall. I stared at all the bright white and blue lights that illuminate all the different booths. My eyes fixed in awe on a large tree covered with large lights in the shape of hearts.
While I was too busy smiling back at the market, I failed to notice a line of people waiting to show proof of vaccination to two very official, vest-wearing men in order to enter the market. On the ground there were signs that pointed towards the entrance and exit, helping to reduce one-way traffic. Stepping into the market was like stepping through a portal. I had traveled to a Winter Wonderland, leaving behind the COVID police and the metal crowd-control barriers. The market made me feel like everything in the world was fine, like we weren’t still living through a destructive pandemic. The aromas of roasted chestnuts and cinnamon apples lingered in the air, making me forget about the sterile mask smell that I am no longer bothered by.