Street Trams in Essen


In Essen, there are seven different tram lines that take you all over the city. Instead of traveling underground like other trains, most trams ride on the streets alongside cars. You shouldn't have to take more than two trams to get to most places in Essen since the stations are all conveniently located. Every tram stop is marked with a large "H" for the word Haltestelle, which means stop in German.

How do people get around?:

At every tram station, there is a machine where you can buy tickets for your journey. Your ticket cost depends on how far you're traveling. Shorter distances are cheaper, and longer distances are more expensive. Regular commuters have either daily, weekly or monthly tickets that help them save money when they ride the train. Most students in Essen from very young to university age will have a ticket for the trams that lasts for the entire school year. It's very important to always buy a ticket in Germany. If you're caught using the public transportation without a ticket, you have to pay a large fine!

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

At first, I was afraid of using the trams because it wasn't a mode of transportation that I was familiar with, like the underground subway in Washington, D.C. Now, the trams are my favorite mode of transportation!
