Hey, everyone! This is going to be my last post. I had such a great time teaching you all about my life here in Lesotho. We talked about the masked weaver birds, the daily life of my students, games Basotho children play, the kinds of transportation here and so much more. I hope you learned a lot about this beautiful country in which I live!
This week, I am also saying goodbye to school! In Lesotho, schools open in January and close in November, unlike your school, which starts in the fall and ends in the spring. So here we are closing our schools on Friday, November 29. They will open again for the beginning of next year in mid-January. My students and I are all excited for our break. I will be coming home to visit my family for the first time in over fifteen months! I can't wait to see everyone. It has been a very long time. Even though I'm a grown up, I still miss my parents and brother a lot. I am 8,000 miles away from them!
Thank you all so much for joining me on this journey. It was a lot of fun to be able to tell you about myself and Lesotho! I hope you learned a lot, and I'm looking forward to our last call.