Today I am interviewing Nkhabaola. She is thirteen years old and is in my Grade Six class! She is from the village where I teach in the district of Thaba-Tseka.
At school, kids in Lesotho are given free breakfast and lunch. The breakfast is a porridge called lesheleshele (lee-she-lee-she-lee). The lunch is a combination of the maizemeal called papa, and pea soup or beans. When Nkhabaola isn't at school, she eats bread for breakfast. For lunch she eats fruits like apples, bananas and pears. For dinner she eats papa with moroho, or cooked greens.
The house has a ceiling on the inside and a tin roof on the outside. It has five rooms, including a kitchen. The ceiling is noteworthy because many houses in Lesotho only have a roof, without a ceiling on the inside.
"I do all the work!" she said. Kids in Lesotho are expected to fetch water, wash the laundry, cook, sweep the house and wash the dishes.