As November faded into December, classes ended and preparation for final exams is under way. With things winding down in my schedule, I am reminded of the fact that my semester is ending and I will be going home shortly. My semester abroad feels like it has flown by, and while that is definitely not a bad thing, I can't help wishing for more time. Hong Kong is so distinctly different from what I'm used to in the United States. While I understood that before I left, being able to experience the differences of Hong Kong for the past four months has been such an amazing opportunity.
During these last few months, I've had the chance to experience the lifestyle and culture of Hong Kong, and with the length of time that I visited, I was able to fully immerse myself in life here. Whether that meant eating the same types of food as the local people, or using the public transport of Hong Kong to get around the city, I was able to experience many more things than I would have had I just been a tourist on a short trip.
Looking back on my adventures over the semester, there are some highlights that come to mind. On the thrilling side, I think my favorite part of my semester abroad is a tie between cliff diving in Hong Kong and driving a motorbike in Vietnam.