Meet Daniel: he is a local citizen of Hong Kong, someone who grew up here and is currently studying Computer Science in college. He has become one of my closest friends while studying abroad, and I have found his life here in Hong Kong to be more similar to mine back home than I originally expected.
My full name is written out in Chinese characters, and would be hard for Scott to type. Most people call me Daniel Hui.
I live in a large housing estate called Lok Wah Estate in the Kwun Tong district. It takes me about 30 minutes to get to campus from my flat. My flat has two rooms, and a living room, and its total area is roughly 30 square meters (322 square feet).
I have a younger brother and I share the same room with him. Other than him and my parents, I don't have many relatives who live in Hong Kong.
Usually I take the bus. Sitting on the upper deck of the bus is one of my favorite things to do. You can watch the busy people walking on the streets below while the bus passes by. Aside from that, I also enjoy taking the ferry, which has a great view of Victoria Harbour and is quite relaxing.