Overcoming the Obstacles of Public Transportation Abroad

Luckily, during the trip I was able to meet some new people and talk with them about my journey. The bus driver even let me sit behind him so I could ask him some questions about how the bus system here works! 

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

In Costa Rica, the public transportation system is extremely important to the livelihoods of Costa Rican citizens. Because Costa Rica is still considered a developing country, many citizens do not have the means to buy cars or even pay for gas. The affordable public transportation system allows many Costa Ricans to overcome the obstacle of not having a car. It provides people with an easy and affordable way to go to work, the university, the store or other crucial locations. Even though this transportation system is not the most reliable, it is definitely a convenient way to travel. The public transportation system is also sustainable! Costa Rica is a global leader in sustainability, and one of the ways in which it minimize its carbon footprint is by providing public transportation. One bus producing carbon produces much less carbon than thirty or forty people individually driving themselves to work everyday. Do you use the public transportation system in Nevada? Just imagine if everyone in your hometown took the bus everywhere rather than driving a car! We would greatly reduce our impact on the environment!

Heredia, Costa Rica
Location Data:
POINT (-84.1197643 9.9981413)
