When you study at any of the School for International Training (SIT) study abroad programs there is a universal requirement to do an Independent Study Project (ISP). This project gives students the opportunity to construct and conduct their own research related to their study abroad program.
My study abroad program was centered on Climate Change and the Arctic. The Independent Study Project is done in a 5 week period at the end of the study abroad program. During the beginning of the program I learned about the difference environmental problems Iceland and the Arctic are facing. One that spoke to me the most was about wastewater management in Iceland.
During my time living with a host family in Ísafjörður, Iceland. My host brother warned me that if I ever was to do a polar plunge in town to watch out the sewage pipe. I was very confused and asked him what did he mean. He then explained to me that there is no system in place that collects and cleans the towns sewage water. The raw sewage is all released into the sea through a pipe.
It was this conversation that sparked my interest in doing my ISP on wastewater management and treatment in Iceland.