Our News

What main languages are spoken here?:

Most people speak German, but many people also speak English here.

What type of money is used here?:

In Germany, we use euros (€) instead of dollars ($). €1,00 is about equal to $1.00 (maybe a tiny bit more). It is also very common to use cash and coins instead of credit cards.

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

One bottle of water costs about €0,50, but most people drink water out of the tap, and you only need to buy water when you go to restaurants!

What was the best meal this week?:

Heidelberg has cuisines from many different cultures, not just German. I found a really nice Japanese restaurant called Sakura: I liked their miso soup, chicken, and breaded paprika.

What music did I listen to this week?:

Techno music is popular in Germany, which is a type of electronic dance music. When I arrived in Heidelberg, I also discovered the artist LUNE, who was originally from Heidelberg. She makes hip-hop and pop music.

What activity was the most fun this week?:

Since the weather was nice, I took my book and picnic blanket and read in the park by the river.

What did I read this week?:

This week, I've been reading poetry by an American poet, called H.D., and a novel by Anne Brontë.
