Dutch people love to tell you that there is nothing better than Dutch food, but if someone tells you that, they are just not thinking hard enough. There are so many different Dutch dishes! I'm going to tell you about two of my favorites: stamppot and stroopwafels!
Within the first week I was in Amsterdam, I went to a restaurant called Moeders. Moeders is the Dutch word for "mothers." This entire restaurant was filled with pictures of mothers. I mean everywhere! Every wall, bathroom, door and windowsill was covered with pictures of mothers and their families. At Moeders, I ordered what is called stamppot--mashed potatoes and vegetables served with a sausage, a meatball and bacon. This dish is classically Dutch. Most people wait for it to get cold before they eat it, but I couldn't wait to dig in!
Later, I had my first ever stroopwafel, or "syrup waffle." It is two thin pieces of waffle with a caramel syrup middle. They are amazing and I have them every day now. Apparently you can find them in the United States if you look hard enough, but until that is confirmed, I am going to have as many as I possibly can here.