When my boss and I walked beneath them, there was a tranquil sense of belonging during the moment. All of our other worries seemed to go away, and only the current mattered. It was a great feeling to have because prior to walking that path, we were complaining about all of the stresses we were enduring from work, friends and society. Neither of our jobs are easy but that walk made things a little bit better.
The second location is the park on campus. The willow trees are smaller here but just as majestic. Its magical presence gives me a sudden lift in happiness and relaxes me. I typically glance over at these trees during my walks to and from class.
Weeping willows are originally from northeast China. However, after being traded on the silk road, they were later cultivated in other parts of Asia, Europe and later the United States. It’s native to drier climates and can retain moisture for a long time. Now that it’s been cultivated in other more humid regions in the world, it has multiple variations. Some types of willow trees like the Crispa have spirally curled leaves and the Tortousa is an upright tree with twisted and contorted branches.
The willow trees are a marvel of mother nature. Not only do they develop extremely strong and long roots but they can reproduce from broken twigs and leaves. The willow tree has adapted these qualities because it is from drier climates that may suffer from a lack of rain, sun or a surrounding forest. For these reasons, willows have become very resilient trees.
These resilient qualities have had medicinal applications for humans as well.