I absolutely loved the experience! Not only were the Alaskan Malamutes very sweet and friendly, but they could race at speeds of up to 15 mph! The journey felt a little bit like a rollercoaster ride at times, especially as the heels of the dogs kicked up snow that flew in my face and gave me an adrenaline high!
The popular methods of transportation are very much connected to the culture and environment of Estonia. Estonia is a small country with a huge walking culture, as in many other parts of Europe. In a city like Tartu, with hundreds of parks and narrow roads, walking easy, convenient and affordable. Estonians often prefer to use eco-friendly methods of transport since this is an environmentally-conscious country cognizant of the impact of oil and gas on nature. For example, almost all the public transportation here is electric. And as you probably guessed, Estonians rely on skiing and dog sledding when modern-day transport will not work, such as in heavy snowstorms and in the woods where such non-motorized forms of transportation are often the only way to get around.