She also has a chakra (small farm) where she works in the fields about 3 times per week.
School starts at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 2:00 p.m. There are two different 15-minute recreos (recesses) built into the day.
All the students in my town walk to school, including Connie and Sonia. Most students walk alone - even the elementary school students! It's about a 5-minute walk to school, and I live on the opposite side of town from the school.
Students eat lunch after they are released from school at 2 p.m. Most students go to their homes and eat lunch directly after school. Connie's favorite food is cuy frita con papas, or fried guinea pig with potatos. Sonia likes ceviche de trucha, or raw trout marinated in lime juice, salt, and hot peppers.
Everyone in town speaks Spanish, including the school students. Some people also speak Quechua, which was the language of the Incas before the Spanish arrived from Europe. Quechua doesn't have a way to say "hello," so you typically greet people by saying "allianchu," which translates to "How are you?"