Nature News

The city of Puno (at that elevation) has snow 14 days per year (on average), and it has snowed in every month of the year except November.

Number of windy days this week: It was windy in Lima, but the Amazon is not windy at all. Barely a breath of wind, apart from a cool breeze that blew over us while the Shaman was performing our cleansing ceremony, which you can read about in the Travel News section. 

What is the air temperature right now in Fahrenheit?: 75°F overnight, but it will get to 97°F today with 100% humidity. It’s HOT! In contrast in Lima, on the western coast of Peru, the temperature is 60°F at night and 70°F during the day due to the cooling effect of the Humboldt Current coming up the coast from Antarctica (which brings cool water).     

How was the weather this week?: HOT AND HUMID!

What animals did I see this week? :

This week, we saw so many amazing animals in the Amazon, it's hard to remember everything! We saw squirrel monkeys, saddle-backed tamarin monkeys, wooly monkeys swinging through the trees, and even a three-toed sloth sleeping on a low branch. Luckily, we were on a bus when we saw a Bushmaster snake, also known as the “7-step snake” because of how dangerous it is. We also saw colorful, poisonous dart frogs and caught many red-bellied piranha fish.

The birds were incredible too! We saw scarlet macaws, toucans with their bright beaks, parakeets and even the very rare king vulture and blue-and-green macaw. We saw bluish jacamar — which we thought was such a funny and vague name!
