The farthest I traveled to this week was London, which was an eight hour bus ride from Brussels, which is in turn an hour's train ride from Hasselt! I woke up at 5 a.m. to leave Hasselt and arrived in London at 2p.m.! Quite the journey! It was truly worth it though, because London gave me a great time!
London is the farthest I have traveled! But I have also been to Paris and Amsterdam, which were also quite far from my city in Belgium. Overall, Paris to Hasselt was a 250 mile trip, plus the Hasselt to Amsterdam trip which was 300 miles roundtrip. Given that London is 280 miles away from Hasselt, and I went to London and back, what is the total distance I have traveled so far?
(Answer: 250 + 300 + (280)*2 = 1,110 miles!)
I bussed to work every day, walked to the grocery stores and took the train to Brussels!