Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

This week, I traveled to meet my best friend at Hangzhou, a big city near Shanghai. It took me two to three hours by train to get there since Hangzhou is 200 miles from Wenzhou . 

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

Since I landed in China, I have traveled to five cities in different locations all across the country! I live in Wenzhou, a city in the Southeast China, but have visited cities in the North, West and South of China.

How did I get around this week?:

When I went to Hangzhou to see my friend, I took the high speed bullet train. The train travels at 200 mph! 

Since there is no metro, I take the bus to work. It takes me an hour to get there, so I usually sleep or gaze at the scenery outside. At school, I just walk around with my friends or ride a bike if I'm going to the gym. 

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

In Hangzhou, my friend and I visited the Umbrella Musuem. They were so many beautiful umbrellas made of different materials such as oilpaper, bamboo and metal. I learned that umbrellas were first made in China, and then spread to countries all over the world! 

If you look closely at the Chinese character for umbrella (傘), it has four persons (人) under it. So an umbrella offers a shared roof to protect the people under it.
